Friday, June 21, 2019


Yesterday We learnt about  Matariki and the stars, i chose Waiti the star that represents all fresh water lakes, rivers and food sourse's that come from them. i had lots of fun drawing and colouring them in. Next time i will try to make the little fish big fish and put a jet skie in!

Friday, June 7, 2019


Persimmons taste like macadamia nuts.
Sweet, stiff, round persimmons.
pretty persimmons taste terrific.
The outside looks like a tiny pumpkin!
Are the seeds edible?
Racing to get them we bit into them and dared to swallow.
The stiff fruit crunched in my watering mouth.
fiber fell down my throat like a waterfall.

we learnt about persimmons
I liked drawing the picture
next time i will try get better at sizing